
Custommade solutions for Lidl

Lidl has built a new, modern headquarters in Aarhus, Denmark of approximately 20,000 square meters, where they have gathered more than 300 employees under one roof.

For Lidl’s new headquarters, Holmris B8 has produced and supplied all bespoke furniture such as lockers, kitchenettes, reception desk, walls with built-in whiteboards, seating, lockers, radiator covers, and supplied furniture for the canteen.

Here, Lidl has chosen Holmris B8’s table and bench series Informal as well as the Diner sofa modules that create practical and cozy seating areas. The open Divider storage unit from Holmris B8’s creates a subtle divide between the more traditional canteen furniture and a cozy lounge area.

Interior design: Link Architects

Interior design in the canteen: Markant Design