As a front runner in the sustainable transition in the furniture sector, we are taking yet another important step in the right direction.
We are in the process of measuring the carbon emissions of an entire furniture collection – our Nordic Collection. This collection has almost 80 products, making it possible to fit out an entire workplace and you will know the exact carbon footprint of each and every piece of furniture.
As one of the first in the industry, we are employing MÅLBAR’s climate screening tool to calculate how much CO2 a piece of furniture emits in production. We have started with our own 40 or so pieces in the Nordic Collection, which features desks, chairs and storage, as well as lounge furniture, lamps and furniture for meeting and canteen facilities from some of our biggest suppliers.
We have already documented the carbon footprint of the first two pieces – our popular Q20 desk and VIPER chair, which also carry the EU Ecolabel (the EU flower).

The goal is to have documentation of the carbon footprint of all 80 products in the Nordic Collection by the opening of the Trends & Traditions event on August 25.
Steffen Max Høgh, Sustainability Director at HOLMRIS B8, says:
“This is a long journey that requires examining our entire value chain. But we consider it a natural part of our company and ambition to lead the way in the sustainable transition by bringing the sector together and initiating the dialog with suppliers about giving customers precise carbon footprint data. We’ve taken the first step, starting with the most popular products, which we call our Nordic Collection. But the plan is to progress to other product lines as well.”
Planting trees as compensation
Knowing the entire carbon footprint of a piece of furniture makes it easier for you to compare, prioritize and, not least, determine how much CO2 you need to compensate for. That’s why we also provide the Furnitree concept, where you can buy trees for planting in Danish community forests – folkeskove – as compensation for the carbon emissions of the furniture. This enables us and the other suppliers of furniture in the Nordic Collection to help you and other customers achieve your carbon neutrality goals for furniture.
“We can’t compensate our way out of the world’s climate problems, but it is an important tool. This new knowledge about carbon footprints we now possess enables us to adapt our designs and replace components that have a negative impact on the climate and environment with alternative materials with smaller footprints,” says Steffen Max Høgh.
The concept has already been announced to some of our biggest customers and companies in Denmark, and everyone has welcomed the project with open arms. Many companies – especially the largest – are also working hard to reduce their climate impact. They can’t do it alone, which is why we, as a supplier, also need to provide solutions in this area.